in this centrifuge nor handle or store them within the 30-cm (1-ft) area surrounding the
Mechanical Safety
For safe operation of the equipment, observe the following:
• Use only the rotors and accessories designed for use in this centrifuge.
• Do not exceed the maximum rated speed of the rotor in use.
• NEVER attempt to slow or stop the rotor by hand.
• Do not lift or move the centrifuge while the rotor is spinning.
• NEVER attempt to override the door interlock system while the rotor is spinning.
• Maintain a 7.6-cm (3-in.) clearance envelope around the centrifuge while it is running.
During operation you should come within the envelope only to adjust instrument
controls, if necessary. Never bring any flammable substances within the 30-cm (1-ft)
area surrounding the centrifuge. Never lean on the centrifuge or place items on the
centrifuge while it is operating.
Chemical and Biological Safety
Normal operation may involve the use of solutions and test samples that are pathogenic,
toxic, or radioactive. Such materials should not be used in this centrifuge, however, unless
all necessary safety precautions are taken.
• Observe all cautionary information printed on the original solution containers prior to
their use.
• Handle body fluids with care because they can transmit disease. No known test offers
complete assurance that they are free of micro-organisms. Some of the most virulent—
Hepatitis (B and C) and HIV (I–V) viruses, atypical mycobacteria, and certain systemic
fungi—further emphasize the need for aerosol protection. Handle other infectious
samples according to good laboratory procedures and methods to prevent spread of
disease. Because spills may generate aerosols, observe proper safety precautions for
aerosol containment. Do not run toxic, pathogenic, or radioactive materials in this
centrifuge without taking appropriate safety precautions. Biosafe containment should
be used when Risk Group II materials (as identified in the World Health Organization
Laboratory Biosafety Manual
) are handled; materials of a higher group require more
than one level of protection.
• Dispose of all waste solutions according to appropriate environmental health and safety
It is your responsibility to decontaminate the centrifuge and accessories before
requesting service by Beckman Coulter Field Service.