This section contains centrifuge operating procedures. A summary is
provided at the start of this section. If you are an experienced user of
this centrifuge, you can turn to the summary for a quick review of
operating steps. Refer to the applicable rotor manual for instructions
on preparing the rotor for centrifugation.
Handle body fluids with care because they
can transmit disease. No known test offers
complete assurance that they are free of
micro-organisms. Some of the most
virulent—Hepatitis (B and C) and HIV (I–V)
viruses, atypical mycobacteria, and certain
systemic fungi—further emphasize the need
for aerosol protection. Handle other infec-
tious samples according to good laboratory
procedures and methods to prevent spread of
disease. Because spills may generate aerosols,
observe proper safety precautions for aerosol
containment. Do not run toxic, pathogenic, or
radioactive materials in this centrifuge with-
out taking appropriate safety precautions.
Biosafe containment should be used when
Risk Group II materials (as identified in
the World Health Organization
Biosafety Manual
) are handled; materials of
a higher group require more than one level
of protection.
Do not use the centrifuge in the vicinity of
flammable liquids or vapors, and do not
run such materials in the instrument. Do not
lean on the centrifuge or place items on it
while it is operating.