System overview
Automation Panel 5000 User's manual V2.11
3 System overview
3.1 Information about this user's manual
This user's manual contains all the necessary information for a functioning Automation Panel 5000 swing arm
This user's manual applies to the modular Automation Panel 5000 product generation. For information about the
Panel PC 2100 or Panel PC 2200 in combination with the Automation Panel 5000, see "Panel PC 2100 support
arm devices (AP5000)" or "Panel PC 2200 support arm devices (AP5000)" user's manual.
All specifications in dimension diagrams and associated tables are in millimeters [mm].
3.2 Easy customization
The Automation Panel 5000 can be used as a remote panel or part of a Panel PC. For this, the panel is either
equipped with a receiver for Smart Display Link (SDL), SDL3 or SDL4, or a PC unit is attached. The operator panel
is always identical.