34 | Pro-Stitcher Lite for the Baby Lock Gallant/Villa Frame
Corrective Measure
Jumps between repeated patterns
Use of any of the Repeat options results in a
jump between each pattern
When using the Repeat functions, if the start and/or
stop points are within the block of the pattern (i.e. they
are not located at the left and right-hand sides of the
pattern block and/or not at the same height), there will
be a jump between each repeat of the pattern. This can
be corrected by selecting the Point 2 Point button.
Error messages
Motor Error
with lightning bolt icon in the top-
right corner (may occur with various types of
Motor Error messages on the screen).
This will occur with various types of motor errors.
Generally they mean that the Pro-Stitcher Lite cannot
communicate with the motors. Check that the carriage
is plugged in and that all cables are connected properly.
If everything is connected properly and power is on,
press the lightning bolt button to attempt to reestablish
communication with the motors.
If this occurs during stitching (possibly due to a large
electrostatic discharge (ESD) event or power surge),
the Pro-Stitcher Lite will stop moving and wait for
the lightning bolt icon to be pressed. If the quilting
machine is still stitching at this point, press the STOP
button on the handles. Pro-Stitcher Lite will not resume
on its own after such a disruption for safety reasons
and will require user intervention to resume stitching.
When communications are reestablished by pressing
the lightning bolt button, it will be necessary to reset
the starting point to the position where the stitching
stopped and resume stitching from that point. If the
tablet touchscreen does not respond after such an ESD
or surge event, it may be necessary to reboot the tablet
using the power button. A mouse may be plugged in to
an available USB port and used to save any work prior
to rebooting the tablet.