18 | Pro-Stitcher Lite for the Baby Lock Gallant/Villa Frame
5. Trim the Flexirack to length using a knife or wire
cutters. The blue Flexirack does not need to
extend the full width of the table and can be a
couple of inches shorter on either end.
6. At both ends of the blue Flexirack, use two of
the small metal clamps
(see Parts List, item C)
hold the ends firmly in place. The clamps have
an insert through the center and a bent lip on
one end. The lip should be on the side opposite
the blue Flexirack. Place the clamps where they
will be attached and drill pilot inserts using the
3/32-inch drill bit
(see Parts List, item D)
, and
then use a Phillips screwdriver to fasten the
clamps on both sides of the Flexirack to the