Version 3.0.0 Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change 9-46
Analog Input Function Block
The analog input function block handles the reading of any input configured for normal operation
(analog) by the object 6112h. The type of input is determined by object 6110h, and can be set to
one of the following three modes
PWM Input, range 0-100% Duty Cycle
Frequency Input, range 0-10,000 Hz
16-bit Counter, range 1 to 65535
Important Note!
PWM inputs are sampled every 10ms.
The sampling time of frequency inputs are controlled by object 2090h [Measuring Window]
The 16-bit Counter has a 1ms resolution.
The conversion from input field value to process value is generally described as a linear
transformation. The two pairs of field values and their corresponding process values define
calibration points 1 and 2. (Input Scaling 1 FV/ Input Scaling 1 PV and Input Scaling 2 FV/ Input
Scaling 2 PV) See DS-404 for more information.
If error checking on an input is enabled by object 20A0h, then the controller will compare the
measured field value to the values in objects 2010h [Error Minimum] and 2080h [Error Maximum].
If less than 2010h, or greater than 2080h, the controller will flag an error after the delay time in
object 20B0h has passed. (See section 4 for more details on emergency objects, and the
controller’s response to errors.) Error checking is not available with a digital input or a 16-bit
counter input.
For the Field (7100h) and Process (7130h) objects values corresponding to the 8 analog input
lines on the controller, the bit order is as shown.