Version 3.0.0 Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change 31-46
3.3.7. Object 6110h: AI Sensor Type
This object reflects the type of signal that is being applied to the input.
For inputs AI 1 to AI 8, the following values are allowed for this object
Sensor Type 40 = voltage input, value range 0 to 5000 mV
Sensor Type 60 = frequency input, value range 0 to 10000 Hz
Sensor Type 10000 = PWM duty cycle input, value range 0 to 10000 (0 to 100.00%)
Sensor Type 10001 = 16-bit counter input, value range 1 to 65535 pulses
Only the mentioned sensor types are supported. Writing a value other than those listed
above will result in SDO abort download error, and the previous value will remain
unchanged. The default value is 40, voltage input.
Object Description
Index 6110h
AI Sensor Type
Object Type
Data Type
Entry Description
Subindex 0h
Number of entries
Access RO
PDO Mapping
Value Range
Default Value
1h to 8h
Sensor Type, AI 1 to AI 8
Access RW
PDO Mapping
Value Range
40, 60, 10000, 10001
Default Value
40 (voltage, 0 to 5000mV)
3.3.8. Object 6112h: AI Operating Mode
This object determines how the input will operate. The following values are allowed for this
Operating Mode 0 = Channel not used, input disabled
Operating Mode 1 = Normal operation (sensor type selectable using object 6110h)
Operating Mode 10 = Digital Input (controlled by Digital Input Block)
Only the mentioned operating modes are supported. Writing a value other than those listed
above will result in SDO abort download error, and the previous value will remain
unchanged. The default value is 1, normal operation.