4.5 Module Switching in a Cascaded System
Multiple Pacific MS modules can be cascaded (also known as “daisy-chained”) which enables the
configuration of very large and complex monitoring and operation systems to accommodate more users
and workstations. Up to three modules can be cascaded and managed from a single monitor, mouse,
and keyboard console.
In the cascaded system as illustrated below, Pacific MS (1)’s control card is directly connected to the
monitor and mouse/keyboard for in-system GUI control. To access any of the modules in cascade,
perform the following steps:
Figure 4-19
Cascaded System with Three Pacific MS Modules
Step 1. Locate Loop Connection on the GUI menu. Notice that Module 1 is highlighted. This indicates
the module (in this case, Pacific MS (1)) currently in control. Source computers connected to
the Pacific MS Module 1 can be remotely accessed via Module 1’s in-system GUI preview
Figure A-20
In-System GUI Display and Control for Pacific MS Module 1
In a cascaded system, the Pacific MS module with in-system GUI (HDMI OUT) directly connected to the
monitor will be recognized as Module 1. The Pacific MS module with in-system GUI output fed to Module
1’s HDMI IN will be recognized as Module 2, and so on.