or disengaged on the Pro64 mic preamp, audio will mute briefly while the pad state is changed via relays to avoid
unwanted noise in the audio system.
To separate the mic preamp gain from the pad, choose the Manual Pad setting. When using Manual Pad the
preamp gain range is 56dB (displayed as 0 to +55 on Aviom devices). The 56dB range is mapped to the 73 available
steps of the Yamaha control. The pad must be engaged or disengaged from the front panel of a 6416m, from an
RCI/MCS, or from Pro64 Network Manager.
The on‑screen display of gain in a Yamaha device is limited to the interface provided the operator by
the Yamaha operating system; the numbers displayed on the Pro64 preamp and the Yamaha controller
will be different but the actual values and resulting audio levels will be the same. Yamaha displays gain
range relative to the signal strength of the channel’s input, typically displayed as “+10” at the minimum
and “‑62” at the maximum range of a control’s display.
The example below shows a 6416Y2 card fully configured for Yamaha remote control and audio I/O.
As seen in DIP switch block SW9, this 6416Y2 card is set to receive channels 1‑16 from the Pro64 network (switches
7‑8 are down) and to transmit audio from the console into channels/Slots 33‑48 of the Pro64 network (switch 5
up, switch 6 down).
A second 6416Y2 card installed in the same console should be set to receive channels 17‑32 from the Pro64
network in order to mix all 32 6416m mic preamp channels on the Yamaha console.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Transmit 33-48
Receive 1-16
This example shows the 6416Y2 DIP switches set to control channels 1-32 of the Pro64 network’s 6416m preamps (switches 1-2
up). It uses the rear panel DB9 connector for console remote control communication (switch 5 up), as would be typical for an
M7CL or PM5D console. The DIP switch handles are shown in black.
With DIP switch #1 in block SW8 set to the up position as shown, the 6416Y2 will send the remote control
commands to the Pro64 mic preamps as RS‑422. Use a serial cable to connect the Yamaha console to the 6416Y2
After the card’s DIP switches are configured for your application, install the 6416Y2 in the host console and then
connect the DB9 cable (if required) to the 6416Y2 card’s RS‑232/422 jack. Remember to connect the DB9 cable
to the one 6416Y2 card that has been configured for m‑control console‑based remote control in a multi‑card