Configuring the Scale - Manager Mode or MXBusiness?
1. Using Your Machine
Configuring the Scale - Manager Mode or MXBusiness?
Before the scale can be put to use in a store is must be configured to suit the application it is
being used in. Each of the default Sales Modes can be customised in a number of ways and
there are many additional functions that need to be configured before they can be brought in
to operation. Further configuration is needed if the scale is to be used as part of a network, or
in conjunction with other items of equipment such as cash drawers, barcode scanners or EFT
payment terminals.
Finally, all of the details of the products the store is trading in must be programmed. These
include the product’s name, price, the methods by which it is sold, country of origin, trace
scheme, any promotions or discounts that are on offer, tax and so on.
Manager Mode
For a scale intended for use in a single store, all of this configuration can be carried out using
the scale’s touch screen user interface from Manager Mode. Doing this is explained in detail in
the later section of this manual.
However, if you have a large quantity of product data to enter, or you are configuring scales for
use in multiple stores, you may find it much easier to make use of MXBusiness PC software.
This application provides access to all the features that you can access from the scale’s screen
combined with the accessibility and ease of use of the Microsoft Windows interface.
In addition to the ability to configure and manage multiple, network connected scales
MXBusiness provides the ability to individually control a scale right down to the level of
completing a transaction. MXBusiness also provides additional features, such as band
management, that may be required when operating in multiple stores in different areas.
A free, demonstration version of MXBusiness is available for download from Avery.