Barcode Scanning
1. Using Your Machine
Barcode Scanning
You can enter the PLU using a barcode if a barcode scanner is installed and the receipts and
labels have barcodes printed on them.
Using barcodes means:
You do not have to enter product numbers or select a PLU.
At a Point of Sale (PoS) scale or checkout, you can scan customer numbers from subtotal
counter receipts to add them to the sales total receipt.
With the subtotal displayed, you can scan the barcode on promotional vouchers to
automatically deduct the voucher value.
Use the barcode scanner to read barcodes:
On products
On labels
On counter receipts: Barcodes are a convenient way to ensure that labels or counter
receipts printed in one section of the store are correctly added to the customer's receipt at
the checkout.
To scan a barcode:
Pass the barcode under the scanner
When the scanner has successfully read the barcode it will bleep.
Check that the scale has selected the correct PLU before scanning the next item.