Basic Operations
Arming Your System
Before arming your system, close all protected doors and windows, and stop
movement in areas protected by motion detectors. When all protective zones are
closed, the Green Status LED stops blinking.
To arm the system, enter your code. At each digit entry, the keypad sounder will beep.
When the code has been entered, the Armed LED will light. If an incorrect user code
is entered, the keypad will sound a single long tone. To correct the mistake, press ‘9’
and enter the code again.
When the Armed light is on, leave the premises through the designated entry-exit door
before the exit delay expires. At the end of the exit delay, all lights on the keypad will
be shut off, except for the Red Armed light - your system is now armed.
The factory setting for the exit delay is 30 seconds; your installer may change this
time to suit your needs. Refer to the Arming Options section of this manual for
information on other arming functions.
Enter the premises through the designated entry-exit door. The keypad will sound a
constant tone to indicate that the system must be disarmed.
Enter your code at keypad, if an error made while entering the code, press ‘9’ and
enter the code again. After six wrong entries, the keypad locks itself for 30 seconds,
keys do not respond during this period.
When a correct code is entered, the Armed light shuts OFF, and the sounder is silent -
your system is now disarmed.
Enter your code before the entry delay expires (to prevent alarm). The factory setting
for the entry delay is 12 seconds; your installer may change the time to suit your
If an alarm occurs while the system is armed, the Armed LED blinks. Refer to
‘Display Alarm Memory’ for instructions on displaying the zones in alarm.
Ambush Disarming
If you are forced by an intruder to disarm your system, the Ambush alarm can be
activated. Disarming the system with the Ambush code will cause the system to
disarm and simultaneously send a silent ambush alarm signal to central Station. This
is an optional feature. For details ask your installer.
IMPORTANT: If you return to the premises and find that an alarm is in
progress or that there are alarms in memory, do not enter the premises, as an
intruder may be present. Contact the local authorities from your mobile or
public phone.