Operating Manual
© Copyright Asyril S.A.
Version: C
General information
This document is the property of Asyril S.A.; it may not be reproduced, modified or communicated, in
whole or in part, without our prior written authorisation. Asyril S.A. reserves the right to modify any
information contained in this document for reasons related to product improvements without prior
notice. Before using the product, please read this entire document in order to ensure that the product is
used correctly. However, if you encounter difficulties when using the product, do not hesitate to contact
our customer service department.
In this manual, the safety information that must be respected is split into three types: "Danger",
"Important" and "Note". These messages are identified as follows:
Failure to respect this instruction may result in serious physical injury.
This instruction identifies an electrical hazard. Failure to respect this instruction may result in
electrocution or serious physical injury due to an electric shock.
Failure to respect this instruction may result in serious damage to equipment.
The reader's attention is drawn to this point in order to ensure that the product is used correctly.
However, failure to respect this instruction does not pose a danger.
Reference …
For more information on a specific topic, the reader is invited to refer to another manual or another page
of the current manual.
Asyril cannot be held responsible for damage to property or persons caused by the failure to respect
the instructions specified in the "Safety instructions" paragraph. It is the client's responsibility to inform
the personnel concerned.
All dimensions and values are expressed in millimetres (mm) in this manual.