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DSD Data
DSD Full scale Data
DSD Data
(DSDD bit=
(DSDD bit=
RSTN bit
Internal RSTN bit
DSD Full scale Data
Full scale Detect flag
(DML or DMR)
(1) Internal reset is released after 3~4/fs by setting RSTN bit=
“0”. The internal detection flag becomes
“1” if the input data is full-scale for a period set by DDMT[1:0] bits after releasing internal reset.
(2) Analog output is forced to zero (VCML/R level) when the AK4493 detects full-scale data.
(3) Analog output delays for the period set by DDMT[1:0] bits + 8DCLK cycles when setting DDM bit =
(4) The time to return to normal output state from full-scale state is controlled by transition time setting
of internal DATT circuit by ATS[1:0] bits.
(5) Analog output is forced to zero (VCML/R level) immediately when it becomes full-scale status
during data input.
Figure 50. Analog Output Waveform with DSD Full-scale Input (DDM bit =