1.2. About reading manuals
Reading manuals can be much more than familiarizing yourself with an instrument. Yes, it
is excellent for learning, but it serves another purpose that is much less understood: creating
the base for inspiration.
Inspiration can flourish when you have many little pieces of knowledge "online". Having
many pieces of information available enables you to interconnect and crosslink them; it
widens the scope of your creativity. It helps to look at the current state of your knowledge as
something that needs to be maintained and expanded. Reading a manual, again and again,
causes a shift in what you absorb from it. You are building a living model of the instrument
in your brain.
Reading a manual the first time helps you to get acquainted with the parameters of an
instrument; what does a knob do and how does it affect the sound or other parameters of
the instrument? Second and third readings give you a better understanding of the structure
of an instrument/plugin. Beyond that, reading becomes a source of creative input that
inspires you to think of new ways to use the instrument.
Arturia - User Manual MicroFreak - Welcome and Introduction
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