Electromagnetic flowmeter M910
Operation manual
1.3 Warranty
Within the manufacturers general supply conditions, all material and manufacturing faults are covered by that. It is
up to us whether the warranty obligation includes a repair free of charge or corresponding replacement. Place of
the warranty obligation is Czech Republic. Further claims on compensation, especially for loss of production or
resultant of damages, are strictly excluded.
Any defects caused by improper use are absolutely not included in the warranty. Excluded from warranty are also
expendable items (as i.e. accumulators, batteries, pushbuttons after attained life time, ribbons, etc.)
In case of a warranty claim the user is asked to give detailed description of the defect and also of the application
for which you use the product. This information is important in order to avoid time and cost extensive tests and for
the eventual achievement of warranty claims from our suppliers and sub-suppliers. For the item or instrument,
returned after the expired warranty time, repair or replacement on warranty can only be accepted, if manufacturer
has been informed in time that a warranty case has occurred.
Warranty period for all types of electromagnetic flowmeter is 24 months.
The flowmeter should only be used according to the
instructions described in this operating manual.