Electromagnetic Flowmeter M-910
Operation manual
Low flowrate limit (1.7 LIMIT PF1)
Function enables you to set low flowrate limit for some functions of digital outputs after pressing ENTER key. See
“Frequency output”, “Impulse output” and “Status output”. With the “Up” and “Right” keys any value b/-
flowrate can be set. Limit PF1 is displayed in the same format as the flowrate. To change the current valid
value to the new value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
Low flowrate limit standard factory setting:
limit corresponds to the required nominal flowrate -Q
High flowrate limit (1.8 LIMIT PF2)
Function enables you to set high flowrate limit for some functions of digital outputs after pressing key ENTER. See
“Frequency output”, “Impulse output” and “Status output”. With the“Up” and “Right” keys any value b/-
flowrate can be set. Limit PF2 is displayed in the same format as the flowrate. To change the current valid
value to the new value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
High flowrate limit standard factory setting:
limit corresponds to the required nominal flowrate Q
Hysteresis of flowrate limits (1.9 HYSTERESIS)
Function enables you to set hysteresis of limit values for some functions of digital outputs after pressing key
ENTER. See “Frequency output”, “Impulse output” and “Status output”. With the “Up” and “Right” keys any
value b/- Q
flowrate can be set. Hysteresis is displayed in the same format as the flowrate. To change
the current valid value to the new value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
Hysteresis standard factory setting:
limit corresponds to the required nominal flowrate Q
/10 RS485 baud rate (1.A RS485 B.R.)
Function enables you to set parameter baud rate of RS485 interface after pressing ENTER key. With the “Up” key
any value from the row 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 Bd can be set. To change the current valid value to the
new value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
Baud rate standard factory setting:
Baud Rate
9600 Bd.