Electromagnetic flowmeter M910
Operation manual
7 Error messages
When any error occurs, the flowmeter will display an error message. Errors can arise because of:
Incorrect control, i.e. faulty connection to the flowmeter, grounding, etc.,
Flowmeter failure
In case of any error, the error message is displayed on the display for approx. 1 second.
After switching on, an internal test of the hardware is performed. If there were any errors during the test, the
flowmeter would display the appropriate error message.
Types of errors and methods of troubleshooting (if available) are in following table.
01 Current output
Current loop is
Connect the current output or switch the current output OFF
(if it is not used). This message can be disabled in “Setup
20 Wrong password
Wrong password for
setup / calibration /
service menu was used.
Use correct password.
21 Not a number
Non numerical value
Write the appropriate number.
22 Value too low
Entry value is to low
Write the appropriate number.
23 Value too high
Entry value is to high
Write the appropriate number.
24 Wrong format
Bad date or time format Write regular date or time format.
25 Datalogger empty No records in datalogger Datalogger is switched OFF or records have been cleared.
26 Wrong Cal. Point
There are 2 or more
calibration constants
with the same nominal
Correct calibration constant values or reduce number of
calibration points.
31 RS232 Frame Err. Valid stop bit missing
Communication format RS232 is wrong. Check the Baud
rate (1200 Bd).
45 Excitation Err.
Excitation coils error
Excitation is not working properly. Contact service
46 Empty pipe
No liquid in pipe
Fill the pipe with liquid.