Electromagnetic flowmeter M910
Operation manual
It represents flowrate for high limit value PF2 in actual unit. M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”. In
case of query M910 returns set value in actual unit.
Command „SF210.5<cr>” sets low limit value to 10.5. After query „SF2?<cr>” flowmeter returns string
Command sets hysteresis H.
It represents flowrate for hysteresis H in actual unit. M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”. In case of
query M910 returns set value in actual unit.
Command „SHY1.05<cr>” sets hysteresis to 1.05. After query „SHY?<cr>” flowmeter returns string
Flowrate unit
FFS(?)<CPD> { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }
Following units can be set:
0 l/s
1 m3/h
2 G/m
3 “user”
M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”.
Command „FFS0<cr>” sets flowrate unit “l/s”. If query „FFS?<cr>” is sent, flowmeter returns response in format
Volume unit
FVS(?)<CPD> { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }
Following units can be set:
0 m3
1 l
2 US.G
3 “user”
M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”.
Command „FVS0<cr>” sets volume unit “m3”. If query „FVS?<cr>” is sent, flowmeter returns response in format
Flowrate resolution
FFR(?)<CPD> { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }
Following resolution can be set:
0 0