Answered Shows the number of calls answered during this period.
This number can potentially be higher than the number of calls
entered, since the calls may have entered the queue prior to the
beginning of the period.
Answered hour rate Shows the hourly rate that agents are
answering calls (updated every 5 minutes). This value is also used
when the system plays an estimate of the expected waiting time
for callers entering the queue, by comparing the answered rate
with the number of calls ahead of that caller.
Agents needed Based on the Entered and Answered hour rates, an
estimate of the number of agents needed to make the Answered
rate equal to the Entered rate.
Dialed out This is the number of callers who have dialed out of the
queue other than going to voicemail. It will be zero for queues for
which dialout is not allowed by the queue administrator.
Voicemail This is the number of calls which entered the queue and
subsequently went to voicemail before reaching an agent. Such
calls may not actually have left voicemail. Calls go to voicemail
either by pressing the * key (if dialout is allowed for the queue) or
because the maximum number of callers or maximum waiting
time for the queue have been reached.
Early hangup This is the number of calls which entered the queue and
Hung-up after a short time. The implication is that such callers
may have entered the queue unintentionally. The time parameter
for determining which hangup calls fall into this category is set by
the queue administrator as the “Minimum Lost” setting.
Lost/hangup This is the number of calls which hung up during the
period, excluding those counted as “Early hangup” calls.
Timed Out Shows the number of calls that held in queue for the
maximum amount of time without being answered by an agent.
Shows the time the statistics started (statistics start
immediately after logging into a queue).
Agent Statistics This section shows the number of agents logged into the
queue, and of those, the number which are Busy on a call, Available to
take a call, or are in the Unavailable state. For each of these four
categories, you can press the associated button to see a list of the agents
in that category.