Figure 32: Example Caller ID Report
For report column header descriptions see Appendix A
Table 1: Call Report Reference Table.
10.5 All Agents Stats
The All Agents Stats report shows, for each agent of the queue, the cumulative
time they were logged in and the total number of calls taken over the entire
reporting period. It also computes averages for the period of each agent’s talk
time, wrap-up time, handling time (talk + wrap-up time), and Available time.
Each agent’s productivity is computed as the percentage of time that they were
either on a call, in wrap-up from a call, or were available to take a call (it’s a
percentage against the unavailable time). Finally, the number of times that the
agent was in the Available state and was presented with a call that the agent
did not answer is shown.
Figure 33: Example All Agents Stats Report
For report column header descriptions see Appendix A
Table 1: Call Report Reference Table.