5 The Queue Menu
Once your logged into CallQ Agent, the attach to queue dialog automatically
pops up (with older versions of CallQ Agent you have to click the queue menu
and then “attach to queue…” to open the dialog). Once the dialog is open you’ll
be prompted to select the queue in which to attach.
The initial Queue menu contains the following choices, once you have logged
into the server:
Attach to Queue Use this option to join a call queue, which has already been
created by another user who has added you as an agent of their queue.
Create Queue If you wish to create a new call queue for your mailbox, you can
create it by selecting “Create Queue”. If you have this privilege enabled,
you will see a message stating that the queue was created successfully.
Otherwise, if “CREATE QUEUE” is not enabled for your mailbox, you
won’t be able to create or delete a call queue and you’ll see the following
message: “You do not have the privilege to create or delete this call
Delete Queue Use this option to delete your existing call queue. The privilege
“CREATE QUEUE” must be enabled for your mailbox in order to delete
an existing queue. In order to delete a call queue, no agents can be
currently attached to the queue (and therefore, the queue must have no
Login Used to start the logon process.
Logout Used to close the connection to Amanda Portal server without exiting
from CallQ Agent.
Exit This closes the CallQ Agent program.
When you click “Attach to Queue”, you’ll see the dialog box like that shown in
Figure 5.