8.3 Enabling the Call Record Feature
Call Queue Agent can be used to record calls only if the telephone system
Amanda Portal is connected to supports call monitoring (dialing a DTMF code to
“listen in” on a conversation).
To enable call recording do the following:
1) Run Amanda Portal’s configuration utility “Configure” and add
“record_port.tcl” to t
he global configuration parameter "tcl_source_files".
2) Create new configuration parameter “dl_listen” under the PBX configuration
parameters. This parameter sets the token sequence to be dialed to listen in on
the conversation. For example, if you have a Panasonic DBS the “dl_listen”
value is “%V,4,”. Make sure your phone system can perform call monitoring by
testing the code manually from a voicemail port to make sure you have the
correct code before defining “dl_listen”.
Important Note: %V must be used and NOT %E to specify the extension
3) You must tell Amanda which ports will be used to perform the call recordings
by specifying “record” under the port parameters “groups” list. At least one port
must be set to “record” in order to use this feature (preferably more than 1).
Using the Call Recording Feature:
To record a call within CallQ Agent, double click on the call to record. There is a
“Record Call” check box at the bottom of the dialog that pops up. When
checked Amanda uses a record port to dial the “dl_listen” code and the call will
be recorded. Un-checking call record will stop the recording. If a recording is
made then a dialog will pop up to prompt for additional text notes to be entered
with the recording. Finally, the recording will be sent as a message to oneself.
Supervisors can record other agents calls. A call can be marked for recording
before actually taking the call, the recording starts when the caller and agent
are connected. An agent can only record his or her own calls.
Note: Amanda uses an extra port for each call recording. Make sure
Amanda Portal has enough ports to handle the call volume (assign at
least 2 ports to “record” or there may not be enough ports setup to record
calls simultaneously).