For report column header descriptions see Appendix A
Table 1: Call Report Reference Table.
10.3 Calls… Lost Calls Report
The Lost Calls report is also similar to the Incoming Calls report, but it focuses
on calls that did not reach an agent. It shows the percentage of calls that are
lost during each period of time, as well as the average and maximum times that
callers waited before hanging up. It also shows the number of (early) “hangup”
Figure 31: Example Weekday Lost Call Report
For report column header descriptions see Appendix A
Table 1: Call Report Reference Table.
10.4 Caller ID Report
This report searches the database for all calls from a particular phone number
during the specified range of dates and times. Naturally, your system must
receive the Caller ID or ANI for the caller or this report will not work. For each
call located in the database, it shows when the call occurred, the delay
experienced by the caller before reaching an agent or leaving the queue (as by
hanging up), and if the caller reached an agent, the agent ID of the agent the
caller spoke with.