The queue administrator can determine if wrap-ups are to be done for
the queue (globally) and, on an individual agent basis and what the
maximum wrap-up time may be.
During wrap-up, an agent can (if so privileged) click on the “Make
Available” or “Make Unavailable” buttons to finish wrap-up early and
move to the indicated state. Otherwise, when the maximum wrap-up
time passes, the agent will automatically go back to the state they were
in before taking the last call (usually, the Available state).
To enable wrapup comments
1) The call queue administrator must enable “allow wrapup time” within
the queue settings.
2) The call queue administrator must modify the Agent Settings and set
the maximum wrapup time allowed for each agent.
3) The agents must enable “enter wrapup comments” within the display
Queue Codes are entered within the queue mailbox as a textual mmo
named “QCodes” (which is case sensitive). It’s a list of code and code
To setup QCodes
As a default, the codes list is blank and ghosted out, unless the queue
administrator creates a list of codes. To create a queue codes list, do the
1) Using Amanda Portal Station, select the queue mailbox and double
click greetings.
2) Choose other as the mmo type and then click create.
3) Enter “QCodes” as the key name and optionally, enter a description.
4) Click the “edit mmo” button. Check the box to enable advanced
formats, and then select ASCII Text as the from type, then click ok.
5) This will open notepad. Create a list of call types using the following
format, number followed by text within curly braces, like this:
1 {Pre-Sales}
2 {Placed
3 {Order
The code (such as 1, 2, or 3) doesn’t have to be a number, it can be a
word or words. Such as:
{Prospect} {Requested More Information}
{Not Interested} {Remove from Call List}