MN-35949 • Rev 04 • 06/16 • Combitherm® CT PROformance™ Series • Technical Service Manual • 83
PROformance and Classic Gas: No Combustion On A Call For Heat
* A l l G A S t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g t r e e s b a s e d o n a 7 - 2 0 1 2 0 V 1 P H m o d e l r u n n i n a t " E C O " p o w e r
s e t t i n g u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e n o t e d .
T h e g a s p r e s s u r e t o t h e a p p l i a n c e s h o u l d b e t e s t e d f i r s t t o e n s u r e t h a t t h e c o n n e c t e d
p r e s s u r e f a l l s b e t w e e n t h e m i n i m u m / m a x i m u m p r e s s u r e s c a l l e d o u t i n t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n m a n u a l
f o r t h e a p p l i a n c e .
Is the combustion
blower running?
Is 120V power supplied to
the combustion blower at its
main power connector?
Is there 6-12 VDC across
the brown/black wires at the
speed cable of the combustion
If this appliance is 208/240V,
is there line voltage entering and
120V AC leaving the rectifier?
Is the combustion
blower running?
Is the hall effect
sensor of the combustion
blower sensing motor rotation
on white/black wires on the
speed cable?
Test the hall effect sensor wires
for continuity. Replace and/or
repair the wiring as needed.
Determine which leg of
power is missing and
Is there 120V across
terminals 10 and 4 on the
ignition control?
Determine which leg of
power is missing and
Does the cold
Ohm resistance read
within the proper range on igniter?
IG-36336: 8-15 Ohms
IG-37317: 30-60 Ohms
Make sure the combustion
blower motor is free of
obstruction. Replace the
faulty motor as needed.
L1 is supplied from terminal
block 33-4
L2/N is supplied from
terminal 12 of the N7 high
limit (reset the high limit if
is tripped) which is supplied
from terminal block 27-8
Test the speed cable for continuity
at each wire. Replace and/or
repair as needed.
Is there 120V across
terminals 12 and 4 on the
ignition control?
Determine which leg of
power is missing and
Replace the rectifier.
Terminal 12 is L1 and is
supplied from terminal
block 33-2.
Terminal 4 is L2/N and is
supplied from terminal 12
of the N7 high limit (reset
high limit if tripped) which
is supplied from terminal
block 27-8.
Terminal 4 is L1 and is
supplied from Control
Board (CB) terminal
X02 pin 2.
Terminal 4 is L2/N and is
supplied from terminal 12
of the N7 high limit (reset
high limit if tripped) which
is supplied from terminal
block 27-8.
Replace the igniter.
Is 120V power supplied
to the igniter?
Repair the wiring issue between
the igniter and the control. Replace
the ignition control as required.
Is the igniter drawing 1.5
Test the continuity of the
igniter, replace if required.
Is the gas valve opening?
To test for this, remove the igniter wire
and smell for gas at the outlet of the heat
exchanger flue.
Replace the faulty ignition
control and/or gas valve.
Is the burner igniting?
Measure the micro amps in series
with the ignition module and the
flame sensor.
Inspect the burner. Adjust
tune of burner to achieve
combustion per Alto-Shaam
specific tuning instruction.
Is the flame signal above
0.5uA being sensed?
Inspect the flame sensor and
the flame sensor wiring by
taking a resistance reading
from the flame sensing tip to
the end of the connector.
Test the flame signal input
at CB.
0VDC = Flame being sensed at
the Ignition Control (IC), the
ignition trial is successful.
5VDC = Flame is not being
sensed at the ignition control.
If a flame is present, and
microamps are measuring above
0.5uA, replace the ignition control.
If a flame is present but the micro
amps are below 0.5uA, inspect the
flame sensor and the associated
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