Ki Pro GO File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 44 www.aja.com
7. Restart your Ki Pro GO by clicking on
, or by power cycling the
Ki Pro GO.
AJA strongly recommends performing a factory reset after updating
Ki Pro GO firmware.
If there is a power outage or glitch during the firmware download, Ki Pro GO will
boot the previously installed software version and the upgrade process can then
be re-started.
Ki Pro GO has a safety feature where an internal “safeboot” copy of earlier
software is retained in the event the update process fails or its software becomes
corrupted. You can initiate a safeboot of the Ki Pro GO by holding in the front
button while powering up, which launches the previously installed
Ki Pro GO software version.
Playlists Screen
Figure 27. Ki Pro GO Playlists Screen
The Playlists screen lists all the clips available on the currently selected media. The
currently selected clip is highlighted blue, and a mini-player with four buttons is
shown for that clip.
The clip list tracks the currently configured Playback Media Source, and can be
changed from this Web UI screen, from the Ki Pro GO's front panel Media menus.
Record operations must stop before a different clip can be selected on the list.
To select different media from the Web UI, click on the USB Port number on the
top of the pane. This will change the Playback Media Source parameter to match.
Figure 28. Ki Pro GO Playlists Screen Media Selection
You must stop the playback or recording of a clip before you can select a different
USB Port.