Ki Pro GO File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 34 www.aja.com
99.0 Factory Reset
Selecting this parameter and then pressing the User Control Knob brings up the
Confirm Action screen. Press on OK to recall Ki Pro GO' factory default settings.
Selecting this parameter and recalling factory defaults overwrites the
current settings
Recalling factory defaults does not affect these settings:
IP Address
MAC Address
Recall Preset
Subnet Mask
Store Preset
Static Gateway
Serial Number
System Name
SW Version
The MEDIA menu parameters affect media storage and the type of encoding to
be used. Menus are also available for naming and numbering clips.
MEDIA Menu Parameters
21.0 Channel 1 Clip Name
This parameter determines the clip name associated with clips generated by
Channel 1. The default name is "Clip". You can enter up to 20 characters, except
the following characters are prohibited:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)
. (period)
_ (underscore)
File Overwrite Prevention
To prevent overwriting existing clips, a (#) is appended to the end of duplicate clip
file names when they are recorded. For example:
First saved clip file name
Second identically named clip recording StageLeft-2_ch1_1(1).mp4
Third identically named clip recording