Chapter 3: Testing Logic Analyzer Performance
Test Pod 1 in 300 Mb/s Mode
Click OK to close the error message window.
In the Marker Setup window, select the G1 Define... field. The G1
Marker Pattern window will appear. In the pattern field, enter "a", then
select Close.
In the Marker Setup window, select the G2 Define... field. The G2
Marker Pattern window will appear. In the pattern field, enter "5", then
select Close.
In the Marker Setup window, select the 'occurs' value field that
corresponds to marker G1. Enter 65535.
In the Marker Setup window, select the 'occurs' value field that
corresponds to marker G2. Enter 65535, then press Enter.
Select Close.
Select the Run Repetitive icon in the Listing window.
Determine PASS/FAIL (2 of 2 tests)
Pass/Fail Point: The Listing window is set up to search for the appropriate
number of A's and 5's in the acquisition. If the logic analyzer does not
detect the correct number of A’s and 5’s, an error window will appear. The
window will be named 'Error - Listing', and it will say “Pattern NOT found
for marker...”.
Let the logic analyzer run repetitive for about 1 minute. If no error
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