Ground Resistance Tester Model 6471
8.5.2 Tools > Colors
Sets colors for measurement channels.
8.5.3 Tools > Recover Data
Every time the directory of recorded data is displayed by the Ground Tester Control
Panel, a backup copy of all the data is saved to a file. Use this option to recover
previous data.
8.6 Starting a Test
Press the
button to begin a test. Some tests configurations are automatic
and end when the data is stable. Others, generally when there is a manual fre
quency, show a "Stop" button, which should be pressed when the data is available
on the screen and has stable values..
8.7 Downloading Data to Database
Recorded Data
from the
menu to download the recorded data.
1. Select the data you want to download by clicking on the file name (see
Figure 8-13).
2. Select
Create DataView Report
. DataView
will be open with the newly
created report.
3. Alternatively, select
Create Spreadsheet
. Type a name for the download
ed file. In the Save as type drop-down menu, select either .xls (saves it
as an Excel spreadsheet file), or .csv (saves it as a comma delimited file),
then click
4. Alternatively, select
. After the download is complete, a window will
appear with a graph of the data, and some viewing or channel options. In
that window, you can select
Create DataView Report
Create Spread-
, or
5. Also, from the Instrument tree view, expand the sections under
Data from the instrument
, then click on a line that describes the re
corded data. It will bring up a window with a graph of the data.
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