Manipulator Manual of AIR20-A Industrial Robot
General safety description
General safety description
Thank you for purchasing our operator. this description is required for the safe
use of the operator. before using the operator, please read the manual carefully
and use the operator correctly on the premise of understanding it.
For the detailed functions of the operator, please fully understand its
specifications through the relevant instructions.
Safety considerations
In general, the operation machine cannot be operated by a single operation,
and only the upper end effector is installed, and the frame functions as the
peripheral equipment and the system to perform the operation.
When considering its security, the operator should not be considered
independently, but should be considered in the system environment.
When using the operating machine, it is important to take corresponding
measures to the safety fence.
This specification includes matters needing attention to ensure the personal
safety of operators and prevent damage to operators. According to their safety
importance, they are described as "warning" and "caution" in this paper, and
the supplementary instructions are described as "prompts".
Before using the operator, the user must read these "warnings "," cautions"
and "prompts ".
In the case of an incorrect operation, it is possible to cause death or
serious injury to the operator or other operator.
If the operation is wrong, it may cause the operator or other operator to
slightly injure or damage the equipment.