Acromag, Inc. Tel: 248-295-0310 -
Channel read/write operations use 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit data transfers with
the lower ordered bits corresponding to the lower-numbered channels for
the register of interest. These RS484 Data channels are configured as inputs
on a power-on or software reset.
RS485 Direction Control Register (Read/Write) - (BAR1 + 0x0000 0030)
APZU-303 only
The data direction (input or output) of the three RS485 channels is selected
via bit 0 to 2 of this register. For example, the data direction of channels 0 is
set/controlled via bit-0. Setting a bit high configures the corresponding
channel data direction for output. Setting the control bit low configures the
corresponding channel data direction for input.
The default power-up state of these registers is logic low. Thus, all channels
are configured as inputs on system reset or power-up. The unused upper
bits of this register are “Not Used” and will always read low (0’s). Reading
or writing to this register is possible via 32-bit, 16-bit or 8-bit data transfers.
Firmware Revision Register (Read Only) - (BAR1 + 0x0000 0200)
This is a read only register. The ASCII code representing the current revision
of the firmware file is readable from this location. For example, if the
firmware is at revision A then this register will read 0x41 in the least
significant byte or B= 0x42, C=0x43, etc.
System Monitor (SYSMONE 4)
These read only registers can be accessed the System Monitor (SYSMONE 4)
addresses given below. Access to these registers allow the module’s key
supply voltages and Zynq junction temperature to be monitored.
The XADC channel sequencer is configured to continuously sample the
temperature, Vccint and Vccaux channels. The results from the A/D
conversions can be read at the addresses given in column one of Table
Data bits 15 to 6 of these registers hold the “ADCcode” representing the
temperature, Vccint, or Vccaux value. Data bits 5 to 0 are not used. The 10-
bits output from the ADC can be converted to temperature using the
following equation.
The 10-bits digitized and output from the ADC can be converted to
temperature by using the following equation.
) =
× 509.3140064