Versions 1.0
Test strips can detect Uric Acid (UA), Creatinine (CR) and Urea (UR).
Insert Arrow:
Located on the front of the test strip, the arrows indicate the direction
in which the test strip should be inserted into the meter.
Specimen Application Area:
After the strip is inserted into the Test Strip Holder,
apply the correct specimen volume to the region in the center of the test strip.
Located on the end of the test strip, the handle is used to insert and
remove the test strip from the meter.
Test Area:
Located on the back of the test strip. The meter will detect and read this
area to give results of UA, CR and UR levels.
Specimen Application
For best results, fill the Specimen Application Area with the correct specimen
volume. Incorrect results may occur if the specimen is not applied correctly or if the
Specimen Application Area is not filled with the correct amount.
After applying the specimen, ensure that the Specimen Application Area is
completely covered. The Specimen Application Area should remain covered
throughout the entire test. If the Specimen Application Area is not covered or if there
is too much specimen covering the Specimen Application Area, repeat the test with
Correct Incorrect-
Not enough Blood
Too much Blood
Front Side
Front Side
Before Testing
RFM-101 insert 20191125.indd 9
2019/11/27 10:42:05