Versions 1.0
Pull the used lancet off. Place the lancing device cover back on the lancing device.
For professional use, please refer to NCCLS Documents H04-A6,
Collection of Diagnostic Capillary Blood Specimens.
Safety Lancets
01. Carefully rotate and pull off the protective cap.
After cleaning the skin, hold the lancet firmly against the puncture site.
03. Press the lancet against the puncture site tightly to lance the skin. Discard the
lancet in an appropriate sharps container.
04. Gently massage the surrounding area toward the puncture site to collect the
required blood volume.
Test Processing
Ensure the meter is set up properly, as described in previous sections. Turn the
meter on. Ensure the code chip is inserted. Compare the number showed in the
display with the code number printed on the box label or foil pouch. The test strip
icon flashes to indicate that it is ready for the strip to be inserted.
Check the specimen type is same as the specimen type tested. If not, set the
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2019/11/27 10:42:07