In order to access the menus and operate the central unit, authentication is required via an ID
and password, both of which are numerical. The ID and password are stored as codes. Each
user is also assigned specific privileges that determine what they can do. There are no pre-
set factory users. The duration of the work session is 3 minutes for level 2 users and 1 hour
for level 3 users.
User ID
The user ID is a 1 digit numerical code, between 0 and 9, assigned in order by the system
ID 0 is reserved for a level 3 user (installer), ID 1 is for a level 2 user (user) or a level 4 user
(Maintenance personnel).
At least one level 3 user and one level 2 user must be set for each system.
The password (PIN) consists of 5 digits and is chosen freely by the user. The PIN can only be
modified by its owner, using a specific procedure.
Authorisation level
The authorisation level determines what individual users can and cannot do after
authentication. There are three levels of authorisation:
Level 2 classifies the users who use the intrusion alarm system on a daily basis.
Level 3, Installer: can set up or modify the configuration of the system. There can only
be one installer per system. To use the system, a level 3 user must be authorised in
advance by a level 2 user.
Level 4*. Refers to users who can update or change the central unit firmware. Because
this operation is critical to the proper functioning of the system, it is required to
enable users who have already gone through the authentication process using their
log-in details to be authenticated again on a specific basis.
The star (*) identifies the maintainer, pay attention before deleting this user!
Level 3 Installer users and level 2 Superusers correspond to the authorisation levels of the
same names provided for in regulation EN