System Functions and Features as of I7.9
Call routing
– I7.
– 1
Tab. 35
Interaction of Default Call Forwarding with...
Other characteristics of the Default Call Forwarding function:
Unlike CFNR (*61), for
Default call forwarding if no answer
the terminal diverting
the call does not carry on ringing in parallel.
The Default Call Forwarding is still executed even if no terminal is connected (Ex-
ception: A user with only one analogue terminal). Instead the destinations con-
figured for when the user is unobtainable are applied (see
The delay timer for default call forwarding is restarted after each new connec-
tion attempt.
Function / Configuration / Situation
CFU or CFB active
Only CFU is executed (*21 and *67 still have priority over
the default call forwarding at the user.
Call Deflection (CD) activated before Default Call
Default Call Forwarding is not executed
CFNR activated after 0, 3, 5 or 7 rings
Depends on the parameter
Priority over activated CFNR
: Only CFNR is executed
: Default Call Forwarding is always executed. (If the
CNFR call forwarding delay is shorter than the internal or
external delay of the Default Call Forwarding, CNFR is exe-
cuted first.)
Entry under
CDE if no answer
in the CDE configu-
Depends on the times configured:
If the CDE call forwarding delay in the CDE configuration is
shorter than the external delay of the default call forward-
ing, CDE call forwarding is activated; otherwise, default call
forwarding is performed.
Entry under
CDE if busy
in the CDE configuration The CDE call forwarding when busy always has priority over
the default call forwarding when busy.
User is unobtainable
If for technical reasons a user is unobtainable, the destina-
tions configured for when the user is unobtainable are
applied (see
"Response if unobtainable", page 157
Routing the call to the user via UG
Default Call Forwarding is not executed. (Exception: Default
call forwarding when busy is active and the user as well as
all UG members are busy.)