4/1553-ANF 901 54 Uen D4 2014-01-14
FORWARDING Boss-secretary
service activation/deactivation
Boss-secretary service can be activated and deactivated by using a PEN
key on DTS telephones of boss or secretary. But the Boss-secretary can
only be deactivated when another personal number list is activated. But
activation of list 0 when Boss-secretary is active will not deactivate the
Boss-secretary feature.
On the boss telephone the PEN key is associated with PN list 1. On the
secretary telephone a PEN key is associated with the corresponding
boss directory number.
Activation from boss telephone
Press the PEN key, which must not be active, that is, its LED must be
off. At activation, the PEN key LED lights at the boss’s and the secre-
taries’ telephones.
Activation from secretary telephone
Press the PEN key which is associated with the boss directory number,
when it is not active, that is, its LED must be off. On the corresponding
boss’s and co-secretaries’ telephones, the PEN key LED changes to on.
Deactivation from boss telephone
Press the PEN key, which must be active, that is, its LED must be on.
On the boss's and the corresponding secretaries’ telephones, the key
LED changes to off.
Deactivation from secretary telephone
Press the PEN key which is associated with boss directory number,
which must be active, that is, its LED must be on. On the corresponding
boss’ and co-secretaries’ telephones, the PEN key LED changes to off.
Profile designing and ordering
The search profiles are installed or changed by the system adminis-
trator. In order to set up your profiles, copy the setting form, fill in your
new or changed profiles, and give it to your system administrator.
Important when designing your search profiles
Avoid a ringing time longer than 45 seconds for your profiles.
Usually the caller hangs up after 3-6 ringing signals. If you do need
a longer ringing time, the maximum time is 60 sec.
Consider the time you need to react and answer on each answering
position in your profiles. You might need up to 15 seconds to react
and answer on a desk telephone, and 20-25 seconds for a mobile