System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
9. 9. 6
Setting up phone booths
For each user the type of
can be configured in the AMS Configuration
(default setting) or
phone booth
The features for the
configuration differ from those of the standard inter-
faces and are used for differentiation purposes in the OCL. (reports, counter read-
ings, threshold values).
A hotel phone box allows guests to make external calls with charge recall and the
hotel staff itself to make internal calls. It is also possible to pick up calls and to trans-
fer calls (for instance pick up calls). This relieves the workload on the reception staff.
The Office 45 can be used as an operator console; the Aastra 1560 / Office 1560 as a
PC operator console.
Setting up a phone booth:
1. User configuration for No. 45:
– Extension: Phone booth
– Exchange access: No
– Internal digit barring: 9
– External digit barring: 10 (or no digit barring)
2. Internal digit barring 9:
– All barred
– Enabled list:
0 (exchange access)
*86 (call pick up)
R (control key)
5 (internal numbers beginning with 5)
3. External digit barring 10: (as required)
All enabled
4. The following macro is configured on one of the free keys of the terminal from
which the charge recall is to be activated (normally at reception):
Fig. 241
Configuration of a key with charge recall