System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
9. 8. 2
Remote controlling features from outside the system
An external user A can use a DDI number specially set up for remote control and a
password valid throughout the system to remote-control a group of features via
the public ISDN network (External Remote Control or ERC). The features concerned
can be either user-related features of an user B (
) or system-related features
Detailed Description
Tab. 360 Externally remote-controlled features and system functions
Operating sequence / signalling on the terminal Scope
• A dials the call number for remote control
• After 5 seconds of ringing the connection is
established and A obtains the internal dial tone.
The communication server automatically
switches to DTMF mode.
• A enters his password followed by "#".
• A again obtains the internal dial tone
• A dials *06 ... (as for internal remote control).
Possible interfaces:
• Public ISDN network
• DTMF-compatible telephone.
• Valid password
• User B is not protected against remote