System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
– Wave files with incorrect format cannot be played.
– Wave files that are longer than the time available as defined in AMS
under CM_7.2_
File management
cannot be loaded and will generate a
corresponding error message.
– To prevent an existing file from being overwritten, the moh.wav file
can first be renamed in the communication server’s file system using
AMS under CM_7.2_
File management
. This means several files can be
uploaded and used as required.
– Instead of playing the internal "moh.wav" wave file you can also define
several welcome announcements for music on hold with the
announcement service and change them as required.
– To play different welcome announcements for music on hold for differ-
ent small businesses sharing a communication system, several wel-
come announcements can be defined with the announcement service
and assigned to the corresponding CDE.