C. Environmental Hazards:
Use of this equipment in areas with environmental hazards may require that additional
precautions be taken to reduce the possibility of injury to the user or damage to the equipment. (e.g., high heat
caused by welding or metal cutting, caustic chemicals, seawater, high voltage power lines, explosive or toxic gases,
moving machinery, sharp edges).
D. Training:
This equipment is intended to be installed by persons who have been trained in its correct application.
It is the responsibility of users of this equipment to understand these instructions and be trained in correct
installation, use, and maintenance of this equipment. Users must be aware of the consequences of improper
installation or use of this equipment. This instruction manual is not a substitute for a training program. Training must
be provided on a periodic basis to ensure user proficiency.
Refer to applicable local, and national requirements
governing this equipment for more information on
ladder safety systems and associated components.
Compatibility Of Components And Subsystems:
This equipment is designed for use with 3M Fall Protection approved
components and subsystems. The use of non-approved components and subsystems (e.g., harnesses, lanyards, sleeves,
etc.) may jeopardize compatibility of equipment, and could affect the safety and reliability of the complete system. If you
have questions on the installation or suitability of this equipment for your application, contact 3M Fall Protection.
Do not use a powered climb assist (PCA) with a 3M climbing
ladder fall arrest system (CLFAS), including the Lad-Saf vertical lifeline system and Lad-Saf X2, X3 or X3+ detachable
cable sleeves, unless the PCA has been verified by 3M as being compatible with 3M’s CLFAS. Failure to comply with this
warning could result in a user’s fall not being safely arrested in the event of a fall from height while using incompatible
PCA and CLFAS systems. Contact 3M Technical Service at [email protected] with any questions.
Compatibility of Connectors:
Connectors used with this system (hooks, carabiners, D-rings) must be those supplied
with the system or replacements specified by 3M Fall Protection. Use caution to assure compatibility of hooks and the
connection point. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally disengage (roll-out). Connectors must be compatible in
size, shape, and strength. Self closing/self locking connectors are highly recommended by 3M Fall Protection.
Plan your fall protection system and how it will be used prior to installation. Consider all factors that will affect
your safety before, during, and after a fall. Include the following considerations:
Fall Clearance:
Fall clearance below the feet of the user to the ground or other surface must be at least 2m (7 ft).
Always verify the free space required beneath the user at the workplace before each occasion of use, so that, in the
case of a fall, there will be no collision with the ground or other obstacle in the fall path.
For the first 2 m (7 ft) the user may not be protected against hitting the ground. Extra care should be taken when
ascending or descending.
Locking Speed:
Avoid using the Cabloc/Cabloc Pro Sleeve in situations where the climbing path is obstructed. Working
in cramped spaces may not allow sufficient speed to lock the Sleeve when a fall occurs. A clear path is required to
ensure positive locking of the system. Handling of the Sleeve during use can hinder the safe operation of the braking
mechanism, therefore do not handle the Sleeve during ascent or descent. Handling of the device must only be done
from a position of safety.
The Cabloc/Cabloc Pro System must not be used in combination with another fall protection system or sub system,
except if authorized by 3M Fall Protection.
Body Support:
A full body harness must be used with the Cabloc/Cabloc Pro System. The harness must have a frontal
connection suitable for frontal fall arrest when ladder climbing. The harness connection point must be above the users
center of gravity. A work positioning belt is not authorized for use with the Cabloc/Cabloc Pro system. If a fall occurs
when using a body belt it may cause unintentional release and possible suffocation because of improper body support.
Substitutions of equipment or system components must not be made without the written consent of 3M Fall Protection.
Cabloc/Cabloc Pro Sleeve:
The Cabloc/Cabloc Pro Sleeve should only be used with the Cabloc/Cabloc Pro System.
Access to the System should be gained from a position of safety. If necessary the user should use other safety
equipment, such as a twin-tailed lanyard or access platform, to facilitate safe access to the safety system. The system
should always be positioned in such a way that minimises both the potential for falls and potential fall distance. Never
add additional Connectors or Lanyards that may increase the fall distance.
The climbing structure to which the
Cabloc/Cabloc Pro system is installed must be capable of supporting the loads imposed by the System. For calculation
purposes the required anchor load may be assumed to be distributed evenly between the number of rung attachments.
For example, the Top Anchor (Figure 2) is supplied with two rung connections. In this example, the load required for each
rung is 7.5 kN (1,686 lbs) per rung, 15.0 kN (3,375 lbs.) total for both rungs.
The structure to which the Cabloc/Cabloc Pro System is installed must be capable of withstanding at least
twice the loads applied by the system in the event of a fall (6kN x 2 = 12kN / 2700 lbf; 15kN / 3375 lbf - 2 user). Failure
to follow these guidelines may result in the failure of the system.
(See Figure 2) The top anchor connection loads include system pretension and forces associated with
arresting a fall. Load requirements for the top anchor vary depending on the number of users allowed on the system
at one time, top anchor model, and type of connection to the structure.
The bottom anchor connection must be capable of supporting a system pretension load of
3.3 kN (750 lbs) in the direction of loading.
Cabloc/Cabloc Pro systems are designed for easy installation onto a variety of fixed ladder structures. To begin the
installation you need to know the model numbers of the top and bottom anchors, cable guides, and type of cable