10.02 Battery Low Screens
to return to Main Menu and turn instrument
NOT proceed to conduct measurements if a
warning is displayed. Charge Battery or operate from AC power.
10.03 Communication Error Screens
If there is a communication error between the 3M™ Clean-Trace™ NGi Luminometer and 3M™ Clean-Trace™
Online Software, follow the instructions as displayed on the instrument screen.
Ensure that correct communications are being used and that the
connectors are securely located in both the 3M™ Clean-Trace™
NGi Luminometer and the PC port. If condition persists, contact
3M or local 3M distributor.
10.04 Self Check Error Screen
This figure shows a 3M™ Clean-Trace™ NGi Luminometer that
has failed its Background or Calibration check. Do not use the
instrument to make measurements as performance may be
Contact 3M or local 3M distributor for service or calibration.