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13.9 Installation and Check of Lightning Arrester
The lightning arrester is installed as follows:
1. An RF lightning arrester is connected with the connectors of the feeder on both
terminals and threads should be aligned and tightened.
2. The
yellow ground wire of a GPS lightning arrester must be connected
with an outdoor ground wire bus and is well contacted with outdoor grounding
copper bars.
3. The RF lightning arrester and the GPS lightning arrester should be hung
between two crosspieces of the cabling rack. The lightning arresters should be
insulated from the cabling rack without contact.
13.10 Installation and Check of Lightning Arrester Rack
The lightning arrester is installed as follows:
1. A lightning arrester rack installed should be insulated from the cabling rack.
2. The lightning arrester should be installed on the lightning arrester rack in a firm,
reliable and beautiful way.
3. The grounding copper wire of a lightning arrester rack must be routed to outdoor
grounding copper bars for reliable grounding.
4. When led outdoors, the grounding copper wire of a lightning arrester rack must
be insulated from indoor conductors.
13.11 Installation and Check of Main Feeder and GPS Feeder
The main feeder and GPS feeder are installed as follows:
1. To make a main feeder connector, you have to use a special cutter. The profile of
the main feeder should be flat and smooth. The main feeder has no copper scraps
in its copper tube. The feeder connector should be made normally.
2. 7/8" feeder connector should be tightened with a big spanner and installed in
place to avoid any abnormal standing wave ratio due to false connections and
ensure normal system running.