3.4. Installation Check
Before the installed router is energized, try pressing SIM card to check whether it is tight. Energize and check the working
condition of the router; at this moment, the PWR indicator light is on; the LAN port will light up the moment the router is energized;
some time later, SYS light is on, indicating that the system has been started and begun to work normally.
Operation steps
Step 1 Check whether the antenna connection is correct.
Step 2 Check whether SIM card is installed in a correct manner, and confirm whether it is valid.
Step 3 Supply power to R800 LTE Router.
If the light of the LAN port connected with the lower computer is on when R800 LTE Router is energized, it means the
Router has normal power supply.
Supply power for some time, and then SYS indicator light of the router is on, it means the router system has been started.
After SYS indicator light is on for some time, NET indicator light is on and quick-flashing, it means the router has found the
module and starts dial-up.
In the process of dial-up by the router, PPP(NET) light is on.
At the end of dial-up by the router, PPP(NET) light is always on, it means the dialed network is 3G/4G; if it is slow-flashing,
it means the dialed network is 2G/2.5G/2.75G.
For different modules, the time that the router takes to find the module is different. The dial-up time also
differs for network disconnection. Therefore, the time that the router takes to dial up and obtain IP address is different
for different modules, but the router dial-up process is in strict accordance with the aforesaid steps.