3-way Calling, 34
4G, 86
Accessibility, 150
Accounts, 50
Activation, 3
Airplane Mode, 132
Android Keyboard, 16
Android OS
Update, 131
Answer a Call, 27
Applications, 71
Apps, 71
Find and install, 71
Open, 73
Request refunds, 73
Settings, 143
Uninstall, 74
Unknown sources, 147
Back Key, 7
Backup & Reset, 148
Charge, 2
Settings, 143
Change device name, 122
Connect, 122
Disconnect, 123
Receive information, 125
Send information, 124
Settings, 133
Settings menu, 122
Share pictures and videos, 108
Turn on or off, 121
Bookmarks, 97
Add to home screen, 98
Books, 81
Bookmarks, 97
Create new home page, 98
Go to a website, 93
Home page, 97
Launch connection, 85, 90
Menu, 91
Navigate, 90
Reset, 96
Select text on a Web page, 93
Settings, 94
Website settings, 96
Zoom, 90
Calculator, 118
Calendar, 111
Add event, 111
Erase events, 115
Event alerts, 112
Invite guests, 112
Share calendar event, 117