Hydro Tap Installation and Operating Instructions - 86682 - March 2012 v1.05 Page 9 of 20
- The rear of the unit is fitted with, 1/4” John Guest, inlet and outlet fittings,
specifically for the Zip high performance filter kit.
- These instructions must be read in conjunction with the filter fitting
instructions supplied with the high performance filter kit.
- The filter assembly must be located close to the appliance with sufficient
space for service access. Consult the instructions supplied with the filter kit.
To fit the external filter kit:
- Access the filter bypass valve, by removing the white plastic plug, located on
the Left hand side of the undersink unit (see Fig.5)
- Using a suitable set of pliers, close the filter bypass valve as instructed in
Figure 1.
- Remove the Inlet and Outlet plugs from the John Guest fittings as shown in
Figures 2 ; 3 and 4.
- After suitably mounting the filter assembly to an adjacent surface, measure
and trim the filter inlet and filter outlet tubes.
- Fit the tubes to their respective inlets and outlets, checking to ensure the flow
of water corresponds to the direction indicated by the arrow on the filter head
and by the instructions listed on the rear panel of the under sink unit.
- Check the lower left hand John Guest fitting is the ‘Inlet from the external
filter’, and the right hand John Guest fitting is the ‘Outlet to the external filter’.
- Refit the white plastic plug and relocate the undersink unit, ensuring all air
gaps and clearances are maintained. (see P4 Airflow details).
- Activate the filter programme within the service mode.
After Testing and Commissioning (Step F)
- Set the external filter life - Max 3000 Litres
- Set external filter use (No need to flush the external filter)
- Check all connections for leaks
Installation Procedure
Inlet from external filter
with plug removed
Outlet to external filter
with plug removed
Inlet with plug
Outlet with plug
John Guest fittings: Insertion and removal
Accessing the filter bypass valve