Locking the Charging Cable for the Charging Station
The charging cable can be locked permanently to the charging station. This feature is activated via
the ZAPTEC app.
Log in to the ZAPTEC app (can be downloaded from App Store/Google Play).
. Go to settings and select the desired charging station.
Enter the PIN code for the charging station concerned and activate Lock cable for this charging
This function is currently only available in the Android version of the ZAPTEC app.
Set Lighting Strength for the Status Indicator
• Log in to the ZAPTEC app.
• Click on the cog in the top right hand corner of the app home page.
• Select the charging station that you wish to amend the settings for.
• Enter the PIN code for the charging station
• The lighting strength can be adjusted by using the slider under ‘Lighting strength for status
Reading Error Codes
• Log in to the ZAPTEC app.
• Click on the cog in the top right hand corner of the app home page.
• Select the charging station that you want to view the error code for.
• Once the app has connected to the charging station, a red field will be displayed when the
charger has active error codes. Click on this field to show the details of the active error codes.