The user must be created/activated for the payment solution/operator concerned.
Follow the instructions from the applicable payment solution/operator for authentication and to
start charging.
How to Stop Charging
To interrupt the charging process: Stop charging as recommended in your car’s user manual.
. Disconnect the charging connector from the vehicle.
Disconnect the charging connector from the charging station.
Place the protective cover over the charging point to limit exposure to dust and rain.
Connecting a Charging Pass to your User
ZAPTEC Pro supports the most commonly used charging passes (Mifare Classic). If you have a
visually readable code, this can be added via ZAPTEC Portal or by scanning the charging pass
using the charging station as described below. Your user profile must have access to the installation
you wish to use. This must be done by admin/installation owner in ZAPTEC Portal.
Download the ZAPTEC app from App Store/Google Play.
Register as a user and log in to the ZAPTEC app.
Go to the menu, select user profile and add a new charging card. Then follow the instructions in
the ZAPTEC app.
How to Monitor the Charging Station (ZAPTEC Portal)
You can log in via ZAPTEC Portal to see all your charging stations and all the charging stations that
you are registered to use. If you are the owner of an installation, you can monitor all use, and you
can use this information to share the electricity cost fairly. The installation or owner of the installation
must add you as a user of the installation in order for you to be able to see the information.
Log in or register as a new user at https://portal.zaptec.com
Adding Users to the Installation
The installation owner can add users of the system by going to ‘access’. Here, new users can be
added, invited or removed from the system. This assumes that authentication (user control) has been
activated on the installation.