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AF6ZP0AL - COMBIAC0 & ACE0 - User Manual
3.5 Speed feedback
The motor control is based upon the motor speed feedback (sensored software).
The speed transducer is an incremental encoder, with two phases shifted at 90°.
The encoder can be of different types :
power supply: +12V / +5V
electric output: open collector ( NPN ), push-pull.
COMBI AC0 / ACE0 could also be used without encoder, sensorless control.
This solution has to be discussed with Zapi technicians.
Note (1): The encoder resolution and the motor poles pair (the controller can
handle), is specified in the home page display of the handset showing following
That means:
CA0Z= COMBIAC0 Zapi controller
2 = motor’s poles pair number
A = 32 pulses/rev encoder
The encoder resolution is given by the second-last letter in the following list:
A = 32 pulses/rev
K = 48 pulses/rev
B = 64 pulses/rev
C = 80 pulses/rev