IM DLM3054-03EN
GO/NO-GO determination
A specific action can be executed when the GO/NO-GO result is NO-GO.
You can set the number of times to execute the action on the basis of the number of waveform
acquisitions or the number of determinations.
Determinations can be made on the AND or OR of four conditions.
The following search modes are available.
No conditions.
Rectangular zone. Cannot be used on LOGIC or FFT waveforms.
Waveform zone. Cannot be used on LOGIC, XY, or FFT waveforms.
Polygon-Zone: Polygonal zone. Cannot be used on LOGIC or FFT waveforms.
Zone between the upper and lower limits of one waveform parameter.
The reference is either the source waveform entering or exiting the reference range.
Beeping, screen capture data printing or saving, waveform data saving, mail transmission
Power supply analysis
feature (option)
You can select and execute the analysis feature or power measurement feature.
Analysis feature: One of the following analyses can be executed.
• Switching loss analysis (SW Loss):
The total loss and the switching loss of N cycles can be measured. Items such as power
waveforms and measured values can be displayed, and statistics can be computed. The
following five locations can be displayed with indicators: the Turn On start and end points of the
first found cycle, the following Turn Off start and end points, and the following Turn On start point.
The conduction loss computation method can be selected from the following:
U × I
RDS (on) × I
VCE (sat) × I
The items whose switching losses can be measured automatically are listed below.
P: Turn On, On, Turn Off, Total
Wp: Turn On, On, Turn Off, Total
Cycle Count
In addition, statistical processing can be applied to the above items. For details on statistical
processing, see “Statistical processing of waveform parameters,” described earlier.
• Safe Operating Area (SOA):
An X-Y display can be created with voltage input plotted on the X-axis and current input plotted
on the Y-axis.
• Harmonic analysis (Harmonics):
Simple comparisons can be made between the harmonics and harmonic current emission
standard limits. THD and RMS can be displayed.
IEC 61000-3-2 Edition 4.0
EN 61000-3-2(2006)
IEC 61000-4-7 Edition 2
• Joule integral (I
Items such as Joule integral waveforms and measured values can be displayed, and statistics
can be computed. The item whose Joule integral can be measured automatically is shown below.
Power measurement feature: Up to two power measurements can be performed simultaneously.
The items that can be measured automatically are shown below.
U+pk, U‒pk, Up-p, Urms, Udc, Uac, Umn, Urmn, Avg Freq (of voltage), S, P, Q, Z, λ, Wp, Wp+,
Wp‒, Abs.Wp , I+pk, I‒pk, Ip-p, Irms, Idc, Iac, Imn, Irmn, Avg Freq (of current), q, q+, q‒, Abs.q
In addition, statistical processing can be applied to the above items. For details on statistical
processing, see “Statistical processing of waveform parameters,” described earlier.
The auto deskew feature automatically deskews the time difference between the voltage and
current waveforms. Auto deskew uses voltage and current signals of the deskew signal sources
(701935 or 701936; sold separately) that are received through probes connected to voltage
channels and current channels, respectively.
For information about the deskew range, see “Deskewing” under “Vertical and Horizontal Control”
described earlier.
1 CH1 and CH2 for the DLM3022. DLM3032, DLM3052
2 Math1 and Math2 for the DLM3022. DLM3032, DLM3052
3 Ref1 and Ref2 for the DLM3022. DLM3032, DLM3052
C, and SPI are options.
5 Two for the DLM3022. DLM3032, DLM3052
6.5 Features